
Yen & Jaffe's Reproductive Endocrinology

イェン&ジャフェ 生殖内分泌学


ISBN 9780323479127



今版で40周年を迎えるイェン/ジャフェ 生殖内分泌学の改訂第8版。あらゆる生殖器系疾患および障害を網羅したワンストップ・リファレンスで、生殖機能障害、不妊症、不育症、月経異常、子宮筋腫、妊孕性温存に加え、卵巣刺激や排卵誘発、避妊といった生殖補助医療技術などを扱う。今版では、これらの疾患に対して分子、細胞学、遺伝学的概念から解説を加え、関連する病態生理学、診断、治療法を記す。国際的に著名な専門医らが専門知識を提供しているため、基礎科学および臨床での最新情報を入手できる。また、オンラインで閲覧できる外科手技、画像診断に焦点を当てた動画を追加し、性分化疾患や子宮内膜症などを解説する。Expert Consultが付随する。

New to this Edition

Provides the knowledge and expertise of global experts who draw on the latest developments in the field to keep you abreast of current science and practice in endocrinology. Coverage includes molecular, cellular, and genetic concepts and their relevance to pathophysiology, diagnosis, and therapy.

Features new bulleted lists under major headings in each chapter for quick, at-a-glance summaries of every section.

Includes a new online video library that highlights surgical procedures, diagnostic imaging, and functional ultrasound imaging. Videos cover Disorders of Sex Development, Endometriosis, Benign Uterine Disorders, Gamete and Embryo Manipulation, and Fertility Preservation.

Expert Consult? eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

Table of Contents

Part 1. Endocrinology of Reproduction

Chapter 1. Neuroendocrinology of Reproduction

Chapter 2. Gonadotropin Hormones and Their Receptors

Chapter 3. Prolactin in Human Reproduction

Chapter 4. Steroid Hormones and Other Lipid Molecules Involved in Human Reproduction

Chapter 5. Steroid Hormone Action

Chapter 6. Growth Factors and Reproduction

Chapter 7. Neuroendocrine Control of the Menstrual Cycle

Chapter 8. The Ovarian Life Cycle

Chapter 9. Structure, Function, and Evaluation of the Female Reproductive Tract

Chapter 10. The Breast

Chapter 11. Endocrinology of Human Pregnancy and Fetal-Placental Neuorendocrine Development

Chapter 12. Hypothalamo-Pituitary Unit, Testis, and Male Accessory Organs

Chapter 13. Immunology and Reproduction

Chapter 14. Menopause and Aging

Chapter 15. Male Reproductive Aging


Part 2. Pathophysiology and Therapy: Pediatric, Adolescent, and Adult

Chapter 16. Disorders of Sex Development

Chapter 17. Puberty: Gonadarche and Adrenarche

Chapter 18. Nutrition and Reproduction  

Chapter 19. Environmental Factors and Reproduction

Chapter 20. Physiological and Pathophysiological Alterations of the Neuroendocrine Components of the Reproductive Axis

Chapter 21. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Hyperandrogenic States

Chapter 22. Female Infertility

Chapter 23. Male Infertility

Chapter 24. Endocrine Disturbances Affecting Reproduction

Chapter 25. Endometriosis

Chapter 26. Benign Uterine Diseases

Chapter 27. Endocrine Diseases in Pregnancy

Chapter 28. Transgender Hormonal Treatment

Chapter 29. Hormone-Responsive Cancers

Part 3. Reproductive Technologies

Chapter 30. Medical Approaches to Ovarian Stimulation for Infertility

Chapter 31. Assisted Reproduction

Chapter 32. Gamete and Embryo Manipulation

Chapter 33. Fertility Preservation

Chapter 34. Laboratory Asessment

Chapter 35. Pelvic Imaging in Reproductive Endocrinology

Chapter 36. Contraception