
Nelson Pediatric Symptom-Based Diagnosis

ネルソン 症例に基づく小児診断

Kliegman, Robert




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小児科領域の最も信頼できるレファレンスNelsonシリーズの新たな1冊。小児疾患の鑑別診断の際、咳、発熱、頭痛などの一般的な症状から珍しい疾患まで、何を、どのように処置すべきか、各症状ごとに明確なガイダンスを示す。本書は世界的名著「ネルソン小児科学 第20版」へリンクしており、より詳細で具体的な治療例に簡単にアクセスできる。

Table Of Contents
Section One: Respiratory Disorders

Chapter 1. Sore Throat
Chapter 2. Cough
Chapter 3. Respiratory Distress
Chapter 4. Earache
Chapter 5. Apparent Life-Threatening Event

Section Two: Cardiac Disorders

Chapter 6. Syncope
Chapter 7. Chest Pain
Chapter 8. Murmurs

Section Three: Gastrointestinal Disorders

Chapter 9. Failure to Thrive
Chapter 10. Abdominal Pain
Chapter 11. Diarrhea
Chapter 12. Vomiting and Regurgitation
Chapter 13. Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Chapter 14. Hepatomegaly
Chapter 15. Jaundice
Chapter 16. Constipation
Chapter 17. Abdominal Masses

Section Four: Genitourinary Disorders

Chapter 18. Dysuria
Chapter 19. Proteinuria
Chapter 20. Hematuria
Chapter 21. Acute and Chronic Scrotal Swelling
Chapter 22. Menstrual Problems and Vaginal Bleeding
Chapter 23. Disorders of Sexual Development

Section Five: Developmental and Psychiatric Disorders

Chapter 24. Intellectual and Developmental Disability
Chapter 25. Dysmorphology
Chapter 26. The Irritable Infant
Chapter 27. Unusual Behaviors

Section Six: Neurosensory Disorders

Chapter 28. Headaches
Chapter 29. Hypotonia, Weakness, and Stroke
Chapter 30. Paroxysmal Disorders
Chapter 31. Altered Mental Status
Chapter 32. Eye Disorders

Section Seven: Musculoskeletal Disorders

Chapter 33. Arthritis
Chapter 34. Gait Disturbances
Chapter 35. Back Pain in Children and Adolescents

Section Eight: Hematologic Disorders

Chapter 36. Lymphadenopathy and Neck Masses
Chapter 37. Pallor and Anemia
Chapter 38. Bleeding and Thrombosis

Section Nine: Infectious Diseases

Chapter 39. Fever
Chapter 40. Fever and Rash
Chapter 41. Recurrent Fever, Infections, Immune Disorders, and Autoinflammatory Diseases

Section Ten: Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders

Chapter 42. Disorders of Puberty
Chapter 43. Short Stature
Chapter 44. Hypoglycemia
Chapter 45. Urinary Incontinence and Polyuria
Chapter 46. Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disturbances

Section Eleven: Dermatology

Chapter 47. Congenital Cutaneous Lesions and Infant Rashes
Chapter 48. Acquired Rashes in the Older Child